Articles de cet auteur

lundi 7 janvier 2013
par  Admin APRED

Overview of APRED’s fields of work

This document is still provisional
APRED sees peace as a non-conflictive state of progress, a harmonious evolution. Of course, progress is never granted, it is a permanent and sustainable human improvement. Yet progress happens best, easily and naturally, when it is mature.
The lack of peace (...)

lundi 7 janvier 2013
par  Admin APRED

Pennsylvania has been a country without an army

Small booklet, in French, realting this old and special moment in the history of non-militairisation.
Download from here

lundi 7 janvier 2013
par  Admin APRED

La Pennsylvanie a été un pays sans armée

Petite brochure relatant ce moment particulier et ancien de l’histoire de la non-militarisation.
A téléchauger ici

lundi 7 janvier 2013
par  Admin APRED

Peace poll

Since 2004, APRED is occasionally running a poll for peace. This poll is designed to create a better understanding of the perception of peace within the population. It is also meant to initiate thinking about peace by the person who answer. Click on the doc for the original survey.
And here (...)

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