APRED Participative Institute for the Progress of Peace

lundi 23 avril 2012
popularité : 2%

Founded in 2001, APRED gathers, in a scientific project open to the general public, people who empower themselves to live in peace and to overcome conflict and violence.
It is registered as an association under Swiss law.

For APRED and its members, peace is conceived as two spaces. In a first space, peace is a necessary component of happiness. It is the feeling, the knowledge and the share of harmony and serenity. In a second space, peace grows in areas that are not inasmuch in peace.

The work of APRED is currently developing in the following directions :

  • A theoretical and symbolic approach to peace and its definition made for the general public.
  • An interactive scientific approach to peace, which focuses on the concepts of « non-violence of institutions » and « infrastructures of peace ».
  • A practical and interactive approach tending to experience peace and practices of peace, as well as sharing the work of APRED with anyone interested.

The research work presently being made specifically address the following areas :

  • The theory and practices of peace
  • Non-militarization of countries and territories without army.
  • The political and legal promotion of peace, namely :
    • a. The place of peace in constitutions.
    • b. Peace and democracy,.
    • c. The human right to peace
    • d. Peace policies and the prevention of violence.
  • Peace.zones

APRED, its coordinator and several of its members, are available as speakers, teachers or consultants in their respective fields of work.


L’APRED, Institut participatif pour le progrès de la paix


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