The right to peace : all articles
- The right to be at peace and to remain at peace,
- The right to seek peace, to find it and share it.
- The right of each and everyone to ensure compliance with the right to peace in all circumstances.
- The right to have conflict solutions methods nd solutions (ideally without further damage) easily available.
- The right to effective conflict prevention and violence prevention, before they occur and to control if violence or conflict nevertheless do occur, that prevention was sufficient. The right to improve prevention.
- The right to see that enough resources are allocated to the promotion of peace and to peace education.
- The right to require governments to promote and respect peace and and the right to regularly obtain reports on their efforts an achievements in favor of peace.
- Frequently recall that Article 28 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights says an internation and social ordrer enabling all other rights to be fulfilled should prevail,
- Frequently recall the obligation of States to abide by peace. (UN Charter, Article 2, among others)
- Frequently recall the 2016 resolution of the General Assembly of the United Nations on the right to peace. Link, n° 189.
- Expand the application of the right to security (for example, Article 5 of the European Convention on Human Rights).
- Encourage parliaments, small and large, to adopt resolutions and binding instruments recognizing the human right to peace.
APRED is at your service to promote and respect the human right to peace and supports the idea of a Swiss Coalition for the human right to peace (In French) ..
Last update : 13.3.23