Human Rights Council
48th session. Item 3. ID on Tigray.
Geneva, 13th of September 2021
Madam President,
Dear Human Beings,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Greetings of peace and of understanding,
The Center for Global Nonkilling stands for each and every life.
This is the right to life.
Life can only be fully protected when peace prevails.
This is the right to peace.
Ethiopia and Eritrea are members of the United Nations.
As such peace-loving Nations, bound to solve their conflicts peacefully and to refrain from the use of force.
This is our common future.
They are bound by the convention on civil and political rights, by humanitarian law, by their duty to oversee the activities of their military personal and by their duty to provide security for the good of the people and for public order.
This is good governance.
The means to quell violence without being violent greatly need to progress, yet they are available to all of us. The culture of peace, shared values and education, cooperation, prevention of conflict and violence and if it fails, universal peaceful settlements of disputes and if these fail as well, nonviolence and more than not nonkilling.
This is best practices.
Eritrea and Ethiopia have both supported the General Assemblies’ Right to Peace declaration in 2016.
This is time to implement.
We hereby proclaim and recall the right of every person to live in peace, especially in Tigray.
Thank you for Madame President.