Peace as a human right (UN 5th august 2010)

UN-Geneva. Human rights Council. Statement deliverd to the Advisory Committe of the Council. 5th august 2010
vendredi 1er octobre 2010
popularité : 1%

Thank you Miss Chairperson,

In the name of CPTI, I am honored to have the floor,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Can you imagine what it would be if every human being would know that he has the right to live in peace ? The symbolic impact of such a right will be fantastic !

But what is it that is meant by “peace” when we talk about making peace a human right ?

First, it is not peace amongst nations. We can leave this to the Security Council and there is, there, much to do, hopefully in full cooperation with what is done here.
When we mean peace, we mean peace between all people, at all levels of society and so forth between all social groups.

And for such a peace to become reality, we need tools, peace tools, including a human or a people’s right to peace, but also education to peace and peace methods.

So we also mean peace when there is conflict, peace by peaceful means. A human right to peace would therefore be an excellent instrument to promote mediation, arbitration, soft conflict solutions and all modern or traditional forms of alternative dispute resolution.

Then, though all human rights need control mechanisms, we do not necessarily mean that anyone would need to be blamed in any way for breaching peace. We would much prefer to see people learn and understand the value and the advantages of peace, of creating and respecting peace.

So what we would really like to see is countries and people giving out reports on how they progress towards peace, for themselves as for all populations, theirs and others.

Finally, as an organization promoting money for peace, as members of an organization that do not want to see our money going for military purposes or for any violent method of preventing or solving conflicts, we call upon the Advisory Committee as on the Human Rights Council for you to see that there is enough resources, legal resources as a human right to peace would be, but also the economical resources needed to build peace not only between nations, but amongst all people.

Thank you very much for your attention.

Christophe Barbey

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