The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states : “Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration can be fully realized”. Article 28.
The rights to life and dignity, the freedoms of religion and of expression are all equally part of such an order, a peaceful order where all human rights are enjoyed and fulfilled, together.
The human right to peace reaffirms the equality of all human rights, and the need for these rights to be expressed and coordinated through peace. No violence is admissible in the expression of human rights.
We call upon all persons, upon all public and private institutions to recognize and respect the right to peace ; as demonstrated here, a right to peace needed for the coexistence of all human rights.
Done by APRED, for the Swiss Coalition for the Human Right to Peace,
Geneva, 21th of January and 11th of March 2015.