Ukrainians Have a Human Right to Peace, As Everyone !

mardi 11 mars 2014
par  Admin APRED
popularité : 2%

The Universal Declaration of Human ights, article 28, states :

“Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration can be fully realized”.

Numerous others texts grant to the people, individually and collectively, the right to live in peace.

At times of threat of violent or armed conflict it is legitimate to recall that it is civilians who now pay the highest costs, in lives and destruction, in any modern armed conflict and that it is through peace that dialogue, reconstruction or construction of human societies can best take place, for the good of all.

Therefore we here recall that each and every individual has the right to live in peace, to be given the necessary means to see peace respected and to see conflicts resolved without further violence.

We also call upon all public and political institutions to recognize and fully respect this right, this human right to peace.

Done by APRED for the Swiss Coalition for the Human Right to Peace,
Geneva, 7th of March 2014.

Ukrainians Have a Human Right to Peace, As Everyone !